OTA Clothes Drive to Help Veterans

On Monday November 11th through Friday November 15th, 2019, our corporate office hosted a clothing drive to benefit Working Wardrobes! We reached our goal and collected over 1000 pieces – receiving the “Golden Hanger Award”. Thank you to everyone’s generous donations.

Working Wardrobes is a nonprofit organization that empowers men, women, young adults and Veterans to overcome barriers, so they can achieve the dignity of work. They offer assistance into the workforce with a combination of counseling, resume preparation, interview skills, job searching and their own “Success Suit”. In 2017, they served almost 5,000 people including almost 600 Veterans through their VetNet program.

Jenna Perez from OTA’s Tax Pros spearheaded the event. The first time Jenna learned about Working Wardrobes was in her last job. “My boss was very involved with their VetNet Program. Through this program, we brought in several Veterans to work with us. I was able to work one-on-one with with them and learn about their journeys, as well as their difficulties transitioning into the civilian workforce. I have so much respect and owe so much to the wonderful Veterans and active military and know that so many here at OTA do as well, which gave me the idea to have OTA host a clothing drive to help them with that transition.”

If you would like to donate items, Working Wardrobe accepts men and women’s gently worn professional or casual clothing, formal wear, accessories such as jewelry, handbags, shoes, and seasonal clothes.

For more information on Working Wardrobes, please visit www.workingwardrobes.org. If you have any questions, please contact Jenna Perez at: Jennifer.perez@otahq.com or 949-825-5186.