Meet Scott McCormick

As a Registered Representative with Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Scott McCormick was involved in assisting clients execute equity and equity option trades.

In 2001, Scott began swing trading equities and equity options, and became an Affiliate of the Chartered Market Technicians Association formalizing his education in technical analysis. Scott earned the Chartered Market Technician designation in the fall of 2008.

During his time as a Financial Consultant, Scott helped high net worth clients strategize, implement, and manage equity, mutual fund and bond portfolios. When the bear market of 2007-2008 hit, Scott quickly realized that his investment philosophy did not match that of the financial services industry; leading him in 2009, to the opportunity to begin a career as an independent trader. Scott joined Online Trading Academy in August 2010, and is a Core Strategy instructor who balances his time with Swing trading Equity Options and day-trading Futures.

In his classes Online Trading Academy, Scott teaches his students the use of technical analysis to identify high quality trading opportunities controlled with proper risk management.

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